Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Growth Of Pipe Tobacco In Many Countries

It can come as a surprise to many to find that the growth of pipe tobacco in many countries has reached a substantial levels, this is in spite of the fact that pipe tobacco has always been niche of the elites, more so in the western countries, where there is a very good market, and which is showing lot of promise for growth. Just like Wheat or Corn, Tobacco is being cultivated for centuries.

This in turn has bought in lot of focus on pipe tobacco, with constant growth and lot of support from all levels, like the retail shops who today have a special section. They display various varieties of pipes, and not to forget the pipe tobacco sellers, who are stocking them with huge stocks. All this is clearly signaling the growth of pipe tobacco, which if it continues in the same style is sure to capture a bigger market in the coming years.

We need to go to the root to understand its emergence. It was cultivated well over thousands of years ago in a small way and has grown over the years to a level where it is a billion dollar business today, giving livelihood to thousands of peoples around the world. Not only that it has bought this business literally in the fore-front, with lot of awareness created, and as of today is no longer restricted to the elites alone, but is slowly expanding its reach with middle class. This is no more a poor man’s dream.

Hence it would not be wrong to say that pipe tobacco business is here to stay, and the day is not far when it would have its presence in all the countries of the globe, which in reality is already present in many countries, but is sparingly used, and which is sure to change into mass usage over the years.

Finally if one had to throw light on its cultivation, or on its maintenance to know more about it in detail, then its cultivation mostly occurs on areas where it has semi tropical climates, and requires regular watering. It has a very long growing season, and which originally contained a small quantity of chemicals that can stimulate the brain or give one a relaxing feeling. This is what excited the mankind towards it and since then started off with gentleman, and today both the sexes equally use them either for pleasure or for relieving their tension. People started showing much interest towards pipe tobacco, which not only gives them both the pleasure of smoking, but also give them a style which is common in parties or social gatherings, spread across all the countries of the globe as of today.

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